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Important Dates


October 26-Halloween Party

(treats and rock n’ bowl in costumes)

December 21-Brunch with Santa

(Brunch 12pm then 1 game of bowling if desired)

NO BOWLING December 28 & January 4

February 15-Valentine’s Dance

(bowling 12-2pm then dance 2-3pm)


​April 19- Easter

(Bowling with the bunny)

May 10-Last Day Luncheon              

(Bowling 11-12 then lunch and prizes)

blue charger halloween.jpg

Quilles NATIVITY Bowling​
301 McConnell Avenue

Cornwall, Ontario
K6H 4L4​

(613) 933-0590

Hours of Operation

Monday                     Noon to 9pm

Tuesday                     Noon to 9pm

Wednesday             11am to 9pm

Thursday                  11am to 10pm

Friday                         11am to 11pm

Saturday                   11am to 11pm

Sunday                         Noon to 6pm

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