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Let us help teach the joys of socializing with peers in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Here, we have 2 amazing leagues under one roof to service all the up-and-coming bowlers of our community. 

Ages 4-18. For more information specific to each league, select the button down below. 

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NEW BLUE CHARGER LOGO_edited_edited_edit

Developmentally Challeneged

Bowling is for everyone whether mobile using your two legs or mobile using a wheelchair. Bowling is for everyone whether developmentally challenged or not. We are fully accessible and have a league for you either in the afternoon or evening. For more information on this league check out the blue chargers page!


Bowling is a great activity for people of all ages. It’s a good way to exercise regularly, enjoy the thrill of competition and meet new friends. Quilles Nativité Bowl has a variety of weekday and daytime programs which are exclusive to seniors


When it’s too cold to be outside, bowling is a great way to still get out and socialize. Bowling is fun and affordable and lets you sneak in some light exercise. Join an adult league to experience this fun, social sport for yourself!

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